Learn More About Autoclaves / Sterilizers / Washers / Disinfectors Offered by First Areej Trading
With the same service and warranty as new autoclaves, sterilizers, washers, and disinfectors, First Areej Trading offers an extensive selection of used, new, and refurbished autoclaves, sterilizers, washers, and disinfectors at up to 50% below OEM prices. In addition to autoclaves and sterilizers from the leading manufacturers in the medical industry, Soma Tech also supplies autoclaves and sterilizers from Steris and Tuttnauer.
After purchasing used autoclaves, First Areej Trading refurbishes them back to OEM specifications, replacing any necessary components, and ensuring that they function as they were when they left the manufacturer. In many different medical facilities, autoclaves and sterilizers are extremely important. Hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, and more cannot function without a professional medical-grade autoclave. Medical facilities must sterilize their instruments. Reusable equipment must be sterilized or run through autoclave cycles to ensure that everything is sterile and patients are not exposed to infectious agents.
As a pressure chamber, autoclaves are used to raise temperature and pressure above ambient air pressures. Steam is used to sterilize items and equipment. This means that all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores are inactivated. Medical-grade autoclaves are restricted from running cycles that have been approved by regulatory agencies. They are approved for continuous hospital use, and maintenance regimens are required. Almost every year, the top manufacturers of autoclaves and sterilizers introduce new models that are more energy-efficient, easier to operate, and help reduce the cost of maintaining and operating the equipment.